Are your products available for wholesale purchase?
Yes! Please contact us at [email protected] to learn more about Love Poppet wholesale and to tell us a bit more about your shop!
I'm worried that my order may not arrive in time!
Standard-shipped orders within the U.K. typically arrive within 3-5 business days. International orders can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks.
We do offer some optional shipping upgrades when you are checking out (UK only). If your order is time-sensitive, please see our shipping policies for a detailed estimate on shipping times, and consider a shipping upgrade when you are checking out.
Are your paper goods sustainably produced?
Yes! We love the earth, and want to keep it beautiful and green!
We use FSC certified card, recycled envelopes and recycle all unused card and offcuts.
I've reduced the amount of plastic from our products and packaging as much as possible, believe me - it is an ongoing process.